Heralding a groundbreaking collaboration between three titans of the music industry – Scissor Sisters’ frontman Jake Shears, Shadow Child, and Doorly – newly-formed outfit Lovequest unveil their debut single ‘Happiness’. This electrifying trio, each member a luminary in their own right, now combines to redefine the fabric of electronic music, with ‘Happiness’ serving as a bold opening...
AMOR, the compelling second single from Yulo X’s forthcoming album ‘Euphoria Ends,’ is a notable addition to the indie electronic pop genre.
After a transformative five-year hiatus since his acclaimed remix of ’Sweet Disposition’ first hit the airwaves, Camille Luciani returns with a brand new project under his new sound profile, IOMA. Following the success of his innovative solar-powered livestream last year, which presented a track list of unreleased music that captivated...
Joki, the acclaimed Norwegian songwriter and producer, is carving out his space in the electronic dance world. Following his debut “Tequila Libra,” Joki has released “Buy A Castle” on Sony Music Germany’s NITRON Music, showcasing his evolution as a solo artist in the EDM scene. With a background producing for...
Stephani B returns for her second solo release on Perfect Havoc with her firing, pumped up version of the K-Klass classic ‘Rhythm Is A Mystery.’ The multi-talented Mancunion DJ, drummer and producer takes the reins on a high energy take on the seminal 1991 UK #3 hit. With Stephani on...
Perfect Havoc‘s untouchable run of form continues with another scorching single from a pair of red hot and globally renowned talents in Kryder and Jay Robinson. Their glorious single ‘Better Together’ embodies the dance sound of now with fresh production, a gorgeous vocal and captivating drums. Stream it below. Kryder...
Using stab piano chords harking back to authentic old-school sounds of 90s clubland, HERE 4 U sounds like a legitimate ravce anthem.
Multi-platinum seller VASSY and hot production duo Saint Rock drop a massive feelgood dance tune.
Raphaella’s new single, ‘So Good,’ produced by Shift K3y, is a thrilling addition to her dynamic music catalogue. This drum and bass track, written and sung by Raphaella, marks a return to her roots while showcasing her expanding artistry. Celebrated for her songwriting ability and diverse production output, Raphaella captures...
Bursting with feels from the off, T. Matthias, Adam Griffin and ALLKNIGHT’s ‘Saved Me’ is a quintessential vocal-led future anthem.