Eddy D’Amato has quickly established himself as a distinctive voice in the Techno world, crafting tracks that combine melodic depth with powerful grooves. His latest release, ‘Human Experience’, showcases his meticulous approach to production, blending hypnotic atmospheres with heavy-hitting beats to create a track that resonates with listeners on and...
Andrew Canlon, a rising figure in the Electronic Music scene, joins us to share insights into his latest projects, creative process, and vision for the future. With a Classical Music background and a passion for live performance, Andrew brings a unique perspective to his music, balancing hands-on instrumentation with modern...
In this exclusive behind-the-scenes interview, Clan Brude gives an insider’s look into his latest Progressive House track, ‘Redemption.’ As we learn more about the concept behind the song, we discover how a recent experience at the Amsterdam Techno event, Awakenings, inspired Clan Brude’s creativity, diving further into the process to...
In this exclusive interview, we delve into the collaborative efforts between Manu P and Andrea Rubolini, uncovering their plans for the months ahead. With a focus on delivering fresh tracks that blend House and Tech House with funky rhythms, Manu P shares insights into the evolution of their sound and...
In this enlightening behind-the-scenes interview, we dive deep into the creative process behind DJ Dris’ new release, ‘Origins’. As the track came as another compelling production from the Producer, showcasing DJ Dris’ relentless creativity and unstoppable work ethic as he carries on with an impressive release schedule, DJ Dris shares...
Cyazon’s musical journey remains a captivating example of determination, drive, and creative ambition, resulting in fans from around the globe continuing to be drawn in by his magnetising energy. With a signature style that appears ever-evolving, combined with his penchant for introducing different elements into his productions, Cyazon continues to...
In this engaging interview, we explore the diverse interests and passions of Lorna James outside the realm of music. From her love for impromptu piano sessions to her advocacy for social justice, Lorna offers insights into her multifaceted life. We talked about her favorite film, meal, and travel destinations, and we...
Hotboxx returns with another infectious release that promises to energize the dancefloors across the globe. His latest remix of Mack Marquezz’s ‘0024’ released via Tres 14 Music, showcases his signature style, featuring groovy bass lines, pulsating beats, and Latin-inspired rhythmic elements. In this exclusive interview, we get a glimpse into the...