Heralding a groundbreaking collaboration between three titans of the music industry – Scissor Sisters’ frontman Jake Shears, Shadow Child, and Doorly – newly-formed outfit Lovequest unveil their debut single ‘Happiness’. This electrifying trio, each member a luminary in their own right, now combines to redefine the fabric of electronic music, with ‘Happiness’ serving as a bold opening...
Dance Music
It’s been busy year in the studio for Laroz. Following a string of critically acclaimed releases on the likes of Connected Frontline, Sincopat, Exploited, NiaSounds and his very own Camel Riders imprint, the in-demand producer now looks to continue 2024 in style, as he lands on Harabe with his incredible...
Continuing their rich vein of form in 2024, esteemed electronic music duo Local Dialect unveil their new remix of Anakim & Dark Heart’s ‘Seconds Away’. This remix offers a fresh, contemporary twist on the original, blending influences from the 2010s Trance and Progressive House scenes that initially inspired Local Dialect’s...
Freejak’s relationship with Perfect Havoc continues to blossom, with another standout dance cut touching down just in time for summer.
Joki, the acclaimed Norwegian songwriter and producer, is carving out his space in the electronic dance world. Following his debut “Tequila Libra,” Joki has released “Buy A Castle” on Sony Music Germany’s NITRON Music, showcasing his evolution as a solo artist in the EDM scene. With a background producing for...
Berlin-based techno sensation BEC has enjoyed a rapid ascent to international stardom in recent years, carving out a coveted place among the circuit’s luminaries. Following the success of her singles ‘Be Here Now’ and ‘Retox,’ the British producer now unleashes her full extended-player ‘Be Here Now’ via esteemed record label...
Ashley Paul and Luv Foundation (UK) have joined forces with BootlegBoys to release their newest track, ‘Dance (U Gotta)’. Riding high on the success of ‘Hearts Up’, which is still enjoying significant airplay and support from EARMILK, EDMHouseNetwork, and We Rave You, the duo shows no signs of slowing down....
London-based independent Perfect Havoc welcomes House music royalty as Todd Terry teams up with Janika Tenn for huge vocal-led ‘With You.’
Following the success of his collaborative single ‘Uma Ya Ye’ alongside Niv Ast on Sincopat just a few weeks ago, one of dance music’s most authentic voices, Laroz, marks his debut release on Connected with another stunning collaboration, this time alongside Lisbon-based producer, Bemet. Featuring the blissful vocal talents of...
One of techno’s most exciting talents, Simina Grigoriu has been breezing through career milestones at break-neck speed in recent years. Following a mammoth inaugural release on Drumcode Ltd with ‘Flight Tracker’ in December 2023, which was featured on Vol. 12 of the imprint’s esteemed ‘A-Sides’ compilation series, the Berlin-based sensation...