Cyazon’s musical journey remains a captivating example of determination, drive, and creative ambition, resulting in fans from around the globe continuing to be drawn in by his magnetising energy. With a signature style that appears ever-evolving, combined with his penchant for introducing different elements into his productions, Cyazon continues to...
Tom Tainted returns with his next Progressive House single, ‘Strong’, this time teaming up with the talented Artist Bee Singfield to deliver an uplifting production portraying resilience, strength, and love. Set for release via Tom Tainted’s own label, Red Trail Music, this latest track comes as an impressive collaborative effort,...
World-renowned Italian DJ and electronic music producer Deborah De Luca readies her eagerly anticipated return to New York, USA, as she announces an exclusive album pop up event in the beating heart of Manhattan’s iconic Times Square. Taking place from 17:00-18.30 EST on Tuesday, May 21, the event takes place...
Eric Redd has teamed up with the Producer Hady Tarek for his latest Progressive House production, ‘Nobody Knows’. Set for release via Hady Tarek’s label Kollectiv, this newest production brings together the soulful energy of Eric Redd’s unique sound with the high-octane style of Hady Tarek. Being released alongside an...
Freekbass presents his newest House/Funk/Disco track, ‘FREEK MACHINE’, a driving production that places his compelling signature sound at its centre. As he continues to carve out his place within Electronic Dance Music, ensuring his individuality remains paramount throughout his work, Freekbass is becoming known for his sonic innovation and integration of...
São Paulo native Milkdonna is making her mark on the global electronic music scene with her new release, “Erotica.” Her distinctive style, which merges classic dancefloor vibes with contemporary flair, sets her apart. Milkdonna’s music is a testament to her rich character and sensual aesthetic, offering listeners a fresh yet...
One of techno’s most celebrated duos, Joyhauser have been breezing through career milestones at break-neck speed since forming in 2017. Releasing their globally-acclaimed debut album In Memoro last year, the seasoned pair have since gone on to establish their acclaimed live act project MEMORO and host stages under the same name at some of...
KNARS, a pioneering force in Dutch Electronic music, is gearing up to release their latest single, ‘Tear it All Down.’
DIØN, Rough Material’s innovative frontman, continues to make waves in hard dance with his latest release, ‘The Moment That Matters’.
Déepalma Records hails another re-emergence of The Spirit Project & Starving Yet Full’s ‘Find Your Way’ with Monkey Safari’s new remix.