In the heart of the urban sprawl, where the concrete jungle meets the remnants of forgotten industry, a force of nature emerges. Hailed as one of the brightest contemporary talents on the hard techno circuit, Cassie Raptor has enjoyed a rapid ascent to international stardom over recent years, gracing the...
Simina Grigoriu has already enjoyed a number of career milestones in 2024. Following a mammoth return to We Are The Brave with her two-track ‘The Ceremonialist’ EP in March, as well as a huge performance at London’s E1 alongside Stella Bossi, one of the European techno circuit’s most integral artists...
Following a mammoth debut on ARTCORE Records with her single ‘Loca’ in March, one of techno’s most dynamic talents, BEC, continues her rich vein of form with another underground gem to add to her ever-flourishing catalogue. Returning to her staple home of Factory 93, the Berlin-based talent teases her forthcoming...
Perfect Havoc continues to push the envelope of crossover house music with this latest release.
XOYO Birmingham, Digbeth’s in-demand late-night music venue, stages the Philadelphia-born, Berlin-based LSDXOXO on Friday 24th May.
A leader in his craft and one of dance music’s biggest international exports, DJ/ producer Martin Jensen is back on Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike’s Smash The House imprint to unveil the sensational anthem, ‘Dancing Type’, coming this April! With an elastic, high-reaching vocal that captures the listeners attention as...
Evolution Chamber’s ‘Transmissions’ VA series maintains its approach by featuring a collective of artists from all corners of the globe.
Curated by legendary Hacienda DJ, Graeme Park, and featuring some of the most respected and influential names in the history of house music.
Kokiri, one of Liverpool’s finest house music producers is back on Perfect Havoc this April with new single ‘In My Head’.
MADE Festival announces full lineup for incredible 10-year milestone as the biggest and best music and arts festival in the West Midlands.