Bringing an extraordinary year to a close, Swiss-South African artist Nora En Pure releases her final track of 2024, Polar Lights, via Enormous Tunes. Returning to her signature sound, her latest offering features distinct chords that evoke her unique blend of nostalgia and tranquility. Renowned for her evocative fusion of melodic...
Simina Grigoriu, celebrated as one of the techno circuit’s most cherished international artists, continues her rapid ascent with the release of her latest single, Resident Frequency. Out now as part of Rave The Planet’s Supporter Series Vol. 022 sampler, Resident Frequency shares the spotlight with Alchemiah and Kos:mo’s Aria – a heartfelt tribute to the euphoria of the...
Montreal’s own Mitch Oliver is back with a fresh slice of melodic house, teaming up with the mysterious Might Delete Later on their new single, ‘Secret.’ Known for weaving deep, atmospheric soundscapes with grooves that hit just right, Mitch has racked up over 2 million Spotify streams, landing tracks on...
From viral TikTok sensation to unexpected star-studded collaboration, “Ba Ba Bad” is out now across all streaming platforms via KYBBA’s Basshall Records. Hailing from Italy, and currently based in Amsterdam, world renowned record producer and DJ KYBBA has been captivating global audiences since emerging onto the scene in 2020 and...
Renowned for his deep and powerful creations, chartered on imprints including Spectrum, This Never Happened and Purified Records, French producer Aalson returns to Purified with his explorative three-track Daylight EP. The title track encapsulates the magic of daylight in sonic form, blending gentle instrumentation and glowing synths across flowing basslines. Moving into Echoes Of Dawn,...
The new single is out now as part of Automatik’s Interstellar VA II compilation. Riding a wave of international acclaim following her blistering three-track EP debut on Automatik back in August (‘My Way’), LA-based Iranian producer and NXT founder MANTi now makes her return to Henri Bergmann’s esteemed London imprint with...
In the shadowed corners of the underground scene, where the pulse of techno beats against the cold walls of warehouses and forgotten spaces, a new force has emerged. Mariana BO, already one of the most captivating talents in the global techno movement, steps into the spotlight with her debut ‘Memento...
Out now, the two-track offering is accompanied by the announcement of CARV’s upcoming thirteen-date world tour, taking on headline stops in South America, Europe and the USA over December 2024 and January 2025. Following an impressive run of Beatport chart-topping releases on leading labels including Verknipt Records, Trouble Maker Records,...
The EP features a revitalized version of his 2019 hit record ‘Golden’ and the brand new original ‘All We Have’. Acclaimed British techno producer and DJ Mark Reeve returns to Monika Kruse’s revered Terminal M imprint this month with the release of his two-track EP, ‘Golden’. The package features an updated...
Following a run of successful releases on the likes of Diynamic, Make The Girls Dance, Isolate and Green Room over the past twelve months, rising electronic music sensation Randoree is set to make waves with his latest single “Shaking,” released via legendary NYC-based imprint Nervous Records. Out now, “Shaking” marks another landmark label debut for Randoree...